XHTML meta element with scheme test directory

This is a test site for the MKSearch project, it does not contain any meaningful content, only test documents that may be invalid HTML and links that may refer to non-existent content. These faults are intentional and usually indicated in the link text or document headings.

This set of pages is intended to test the handling of XHTML meta element content where scheme attributes are present. All documents are valid XHTML 1.0 strict.

Dublin Core metadata elements, "old" format

Documents use the old form of Dublin Core scheme encoding without a DCTERMS prefix, see http://dublincore.org/documents/2000/08/15/dcq-html/.

Dublin Core metadata elements, "new" format

Documents use the new form of Dublin Core scheme encoding with a DCTERMS prefix, see http://dublincore.org/documents/2003/11/30/dcq-html/.

UK e-Government Metadata Standard scheme encoding

Dublin Core elements, qualified terms and e-GMS elements with e-GMS encoding schemes.